The end of the nineties was the time when erectile pills were introduced to the public. Cialis was chosen as the most powerful and unique medication. You can find Cialis - almost in every drugstore today but there are also some other similar drugs. For example, people often buy Priligy in Ireland. This medication is famous for its mild side effects and additional therapeutic influence. Priligy is also used as an effective means of treating premature ejaculation. You can order this drug to solve two problems at once and enhance your stamina.
Sirona Consulting
LinkedIn networking

5 Ways To Connect With People On LinkedIn For Free Without Their Email Address

  Over the last few months we have all seen LinkedIn reduce the capability to easily connect and network with people. While I have no issue with them doing this (they are a business after all), it gets a little frustrating when methods you have used for ages suddenly disappear without warning (or explanation). I […]

webinar cover picture

How To Source Candidates Using Google Plus and Twitter [Recording]

  Google+ and Twitter are still being under-used by recruiters and sourcers looking to identify and engage with new candidates. There are huge advantages - 2.6 billion  - in using these platforms to identify prospective talent across all sectors, industries and in different countries. Yesterday I delivered a live webinar for Sourcecon (ERE), on the […]

hide and seek

Why Are Recruiters Playing LinkedIn Hide And Seek?

As a recruiter or a sourcer, you want people (applicants, candidates, referrals etc) to find you, don’t you? You are at the very least using LinkedIn and maybe even some other social networks, so it isn’t as if you are being bashful with your digital presence, is it? So why are so many recruiters still playing […]

Facebook graph search

Recruiters: Why Are You Not Using Facebook Graph Search?

  Hands-up if you subscribe to the theory, ‘Facebook is rubbish for recruiting’. Well you won’t be the only one, the majority of recruiters I come across seem to adopt this approach to the world’s largest social network. For many (especially Europeans), it is ‘private’ and restricted to their friends and family, and they leave […]

Interesting Update > How Many LinkedIn Impostors Are You Connected To?

Do you really know who you are connecting to on LinkedIn? I just want to share a LinkedIn invite I received this week that highlights something on LinkedIn, that you need to be aware of - impostors, fraudsters, spammers or whatever they choose to call themselves - do actually exist on the popular professional social […]

making contact first

How Do You Approach A New Candidate For The First Time About A Job?

What do you open with when approaching a candidate for the first time, trying to get them interested in the new job your client/line manager has given you? Salary? Opportunity? Location? Company? Project content? And how exactly do you do this? Do you send them job details  via email? InMail? Text? Voicemail? Tweet? Facebook? Do you call […]