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March 26, 2008

This is why Jobster is Pants!!

Today in my inbox, an email from Jobster really epitomised why I think they are not doing as well as they should - ie they lost a stonking load of money last year!! While the idea of Jobster is a good one and they were there before Facebook with the social networking thing, it is their delivery and functionality that lets them down. So this is what they sent me - an email with 3 jobs that match my profile

My tags (which they presumably match on) are: UK; recruiter; talent acquisition; e-recruitment; consultant

So they sent me three jobs that 'match my profile' - 2 in the USA (!!) and one in the UK (one out of three); and two of them are IT technical roles - an Oracle Functional Consultant and a UI Programmer role.

Whether this is just sending out jobs for the sake of it I don't know, but not even to get the right country is pretty basic isn't it, let alone the basic skill match??

I banged the drum for Jobster hard at the beginning and was happy to sell the concept to clients, but soon after having experienced the inflexible, multiple page menu approach client side, it soon be apparent that it had the potential but not the poke. It was like putting an eco-fuel engine in a Mustang car - a complete mismatch! Receiving emails like this only go to confirm my thoughts!!

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