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November 05, 2007

At last.... Talent has been defined!

How do you define Talent? As an employer or a recruiter (or both) how do you spot it and then quantify  the talent ?  Well, you will be pleased to hear that Dave Ulrich, Professor of Business at Ross School of Business, University of Michigan has devised a formula to solve the problem:

Competence + Commitment  + Contribution = Talent

Competence means that individuals have the knowledge, skills and values required for today's and tommorrow's jobs.
Committed or engaged employees work hard, put in their time and do what they are asked to do.
Contribution occurs when employees feel that their personal needs are being met through their participation in their organaisation.

The whole person is involved in this assessment:
Competence deals with the head (being able), commitment with the hands and feet (being there), and contribution with the heart (simply being).


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